Friday, November 2, 2012

Sams 8th Grade Tour

This is to show you what it is like to be in Green Lake school. What a conversation of a Green Lake Middle Schooler is like. Why would you like watch it. This is fun to Watch and if people want to see what Wisconsin is like this can happen .Also what it is like for me everyday as an 8th grader. 


  1. Very cool, Sam! Thank you for sharing your day with us. :)

  2. That is very nice. If i was some one comeing to the school and new nothing about the school this would be very helpful and teach me alot about the school and what goes on every day. It also shows them around the school and where every thing is and how to get there.

  3. Wow that is very nice. It would teache me alot about the school if I was a new kid. It shows where every thing is and how to get there. You showed them all the classes includeing the lunch room.

  4. Nice tour Sam and the video was great.

  5. why would you upload it to youtube???
